Nate’s Tree Service has been serving Stillwater, OK and the surrounding area since 2000. Nate’s Tree Service is locally owned and operated by Nathan Priest, an I.S.A. Certified Arborist and graduate in Biosystems Engineering from Oklahoma State University. We currently employ a staff of over 30 people, including office staff, our field crews and mechanics. Our mission is to provide excellent tree care, superior customer service, and a safe and positive work environment for our outstanding staff. We place great focus on our Core Values: Safety, Respect and Honesty. Many of our employees say we provide the best work environment they’ve ever experienced.
Nate’s Tree Service provides a wide range of services including pruning, tree removals, emergency storm damage cleanup, and large-scale construction and right-of-way clearing operations (please go to Services page for details). We recycle our wood chips into commercial quality landscape mulch and IPEMA-certified playground mulch, which is available for delivery throughout north-central Oklahoma!
Landscape mulch provides many benefits for trees and plants, including aesthetic appeal, moisture control, insulating the ground from extreme temperatures, weed suppression, and adding nutrients as it decomposes. Our mulch is made only from whole trees, so it contains nitrogen as well as carbon. Most colored mulch from stores is made from processed scrap lumber and/or pallets. This wood-only mulch is devoid of nitrogen.
All of our landscape mulch has been reprocessed with our Rotochopper (pictured above), which hammermills the rough chips against a screen, giving a consistent particle size (no big chunks or sticks). This same machine colorizes the chips if desired.
Nate’s Tree Service is proud to be Stillwater’s only manufacturer of IPEMA-certified engineered wood fiber playground cushion.
This product is sold by the cubic yard, and we are able to deliver large loads state-wide with our walking floor semi trailer.
Our playground cushion meets IPEMA standards ASTM F2075 and ASTM F1292 for playground cushion.
When installed properly, our product helps ensure the safety of children using playground equipment, and allows your institution to meet necessary legal and insurance requirements.
Mulch is processed with our Rotochopper chip processor here at our Stillwater headquarters.